Academic Coaching

Coaching for Academics & University Staff

We provide certified and qualified Coaching for academics and university staff to help develop their communication skills and performance in third level organisations that value learning and the development of their students and employees. Our Coaching concept is to empower individuals and teams to apply proven coaching techniques as a highly effective means of communication. Our Coaching approach is based on defining and meeting the needs of both the coachee and the third level organisation to ensure a clear return on investment.

Our certified Coaches draw on proven psychological methods for personality development devised by Schulz von Thun and Milton Erickson, for example, and they work with recognised methods such as transaction analysis and transformative Coaching.

Coaching is available in both German and English.

Our Academic Coaching helps people with communication challenges to expand their ability to take action and to use their strengths meaningfully. We see again and again that coaching can have a profound impact on the individual as well as on entire institutions. 

Get to know our Coaching Team 

Jennifer Heinrich

Coaching und Life Coaching in deutscher Sprache 

Mein zentrales Anliegen ist es, Menschen in ihren individuellen Eigenschaften und Situationen sowohl analytisch, als auch emotional genau zu verstehen. Mein integrativer Coachingansatz umfasst Konzepte aus der Transaktionsanalyse, systemische Ansätze und Methoden nach Milton Erickson. Diese Herangehensweise bietet einen Blick aus mehreren Perspektiven auf herausfordernde Situationen und hält verschiedene Lösungsmöglichkeiten bereit. Introvision ist eine wissenschaftlich anerkannte, schnell wirksame und effektive Technik, mit der sich auch tiefsitzende Ängste und Blockaden dauerhaft löschen lassen. Meine Haltung als Coach ist empathisch, klar und lösungsorientiert.

Kathleen Griffin

Transformative Coaching in English 

Transformative coaching is a process that involves reflection and greater awareness of the values that motivate behaviour. One goal is to stimulate sustainable change.

Using the Awareness-Clarity-Choice Conversation ™ model, clients gain a deeper insight into their own values and priorities and can effect positive changes beyond the situational or behavioural framework. Thus values are in line with goals and decisions are made self-determined.